- QESBA very pleased about the Quebec-Federal Agreement to Enhance the Quebec School Food Program
- Eligibility Campaign
- QESBA Blasts CAQ Government’s $200 Million Education Cuts and Premier Legault’s Misleading Claims
- QESBA and ADGESBQ Brief to the House Standing Committee on Official Languages – Study on the Minority-language Education Continuum
- Brief by QESBA and ADGESBQ on Bill 74 – An Act mainly to improve the regulatory scheme governing international students
- Kathleen Weil and Mike Novak to be honored by the Quebec English School Boards Association
- School Board Elections November 3, 2024 – Calling All Candidates!
- CARE Conference – September 25 & 26, 2024
- School Board Elections Conference – June 4th
- QESBA names new Director of Labour Relations
- What we Choose to Remember
- School Board Elections – November 3, 2024!
- QESBA reacts to the Quebec budget
- QESBA shocked with Bill 21 appeal decision
- QESBA supports McGill and Concordia court challenges
- Registration Week
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Government, once again, disrespects section 23 rights
- QESBA Presentation following the Pre-Budget Consultation to Finance Minister Éric Girard
- QESBA names new Executive Director
- QESBA pleased with the understanding reached with Minister Drainville
- Joe Ortona elected as new president of the QESBA
- EPCA and QESBA call for transparency in Canada-Quebec Entente distribution
- The Ministry of Education must reduce wait times for eligibility certificates says QESBA
- Centralization of Negotitation Powers Unacceptable
- QESBA extremely disappointed in the government’s decision to appeal the Bill 40 judgement
- QESBA thrilled with Superior Court ruling on Bill 40
- QESBA Brief on Bill 23 – An Act to amend mainly the Education Act and to enact the Act respecting the Institut national d’excellence en éducation
- As is Bill 23 will be Challenged
- Bill 23 is a further infringement on the control and management rights of the English-speaking Community
- QESBA Executive Director Retiring
- Quebec English School Boards Association – Executive Director’s posting
- QESBA reacts to the Québec Budget
- QESBA endorses the need for continued funding for LEARNs on-line tutoring program
- QESBA notes stemming from the Pre-budget Consultation presented to Minister of Finance Éric Girard
- QESBA pleased with the Pre-Budget consultation held by Minister Girard
- QESBA extremely pleased with new poll results
- Statistics Canada Data Release on Minority Education Rights Holders
- QESBA Brief presented to the Senate Standing Committee on Official Languages as part of its examination on the subject matter of Bill C-13 – An Act to amend the Official Languages Act, to enact the use of French in Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act and to make related amendments to other Acts
- QESBA welcomes new Minister of Education
- QESBA a proud annual sponsor of “Chapeau, les filles!”
- National Trustee Gathering on Indigenous Education and Canadian School Boards Association Congress
- Ukrainian Refugees
- Bill 96, QESBA Disappointed with the Clause-by-Clause Study
- Hooked on School Days
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Québec English School Boards launch centralized job posting and information website
- QESBA deplores the blatant disregard for the English education community following the nomination of a new Assistant Deputy Minister
- Brief on Bill 9 – An Act respecting the National Student Ombudsman
- Notice on Resumption of In-School Educational Services in the Schools and Centres of Québec’s English School Boards
- Government of Québec must readjust dates for reopening schools
- Recommendations to the Government of Québec on Educational Issues Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Health and safety guidelines must be clear for the reopening of schools
- Brief on Bill 96 – An Act to respecting French, the official and common language of Québec
- QESBA presents on Bill 96
- Statement from the QESBA
- Quebec’s Back to School Plan needs to protect students and staff
- QESBA seeks answers from all federal Leaders during election campaign
- QESBA excluded from Bill 96 parliamentary hearings
- Brief entitled: “English and French: Towards Real Equality of Official Languages in Canada”
- Superior Court strikes down parts of Bill 21
- Quebec Superior Court Hears Bill 40 case
- QESBA calls upon Premier Legault to prioritize the vaccination of all in-school staff and allow for staggered school openings
- Government exiles employer from teacher negotiations
- LEARN-Québec should lead the English education sector in the new provincial tutoring programs
- Russell Copeman, Executive Director on Loan of Service to the EMSB
- Resumption of School Board Elections
- QESBA pleased with school elections candidatures during pandemic
- Court of Appeal Judgement on Bill 40
- QESBA pleased with the decision by the Quebec Court of Appeal on Bill 40
- QESBA a proud annual sponsor of ‘Chapeau, les filles!’
- Government of Quebec Suffers Another Legal Defeat on Bill 40 – Attempt to Immediately Overturn the Stay of Bill 40 Rejected
- QESBA applauds major win on Bill 40
- QESBA asks Minister of Education to go back to the drawing board on Service Centre logos
- Victory for French minority community in British Columbia
- QESBA files legal action on Bill 40
- It’s too soon to reopen schools, especially in Montreal
- Notice on Resumption of In-School Educational Services in the Schools and Centres of Québec’s English School Boards
- Government of Québec must readjust dates for reopening schools
- Recommendations to the Government of Québec on Educational Issues Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Health and safety guidelines must be clear for the reopening of schools
- QESBA satisfied with the 2020-2021 Québec budget
- Statement from QESBA on Bill 40
- Bill 40 forced through regardless of unanimous opposition from education partners
- Opposition Leaders call upon the President of the National Assembly to exercise his responsibilities to all Quebecers
- NSBA Statement Urging Broad Participation in Governance of Public Schools
- QESBA statement on the government’s decision to place the EMSB under trusteeship
- QESBA Brief on Bill 40, An Act to amend mainly the Education Act with regard to school organization and governance
- French and English school boards united for the success of Quebec students
- Government should launch vast province-wide consultation on vision of public education
- QESBA Believes Merits of the School Transfer Issue Must be Heard
- Forced School Transfers Ill Considered
- Government penalizes its minority community
- QESBA Brief on Bill No. 5 – Bill on educational services to pre-kindergarten students
- QESBA Awards of Excellence in English public education
- Léger Marketing Sutdy Confirms English-Speaking Quebecers Overwhelmingly Support Elected School Boards
- Anglos support school boards: poll
- QESBA Brief on Bill 21, An Act respecting the laicity of the State
- Québec’s English Education Sector Stands Collectively Against Bill 21
- QESBA appalled by the forcible closure of English public schools
- Community Unites to Fight for Democratically Elected School Boards
- QESBA strongly opposes Bill 21
- QESBA is very satisfied with the 2019-2020 Québec Budget
- QESBA and ADGESBQ’s Brief on Bill 12 – An Act to clarify the scope of the right to free education
- Letter sent to Minister Roberge on Kindergarten for 4-year olds
- QESBA finds the Minister’s heavy-handed decision regarding Riverdale unacceptable
- QESBA finds the Minister’s heavy-handed decision regarding Riverdale unacceptable
- Op Ed – School Boards – December 4, 2018
- Who is Jean-François Roberge meeting?
- The FCSQ and QESBA Congratulate the New Ministre de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur, Mr. Jean-François Roberge
- The FCSQ and QESBA Congratulate and Offer Their Full Cooperation to the Newly Elected Government
- QESBA Asks for Clear Positions on Public Education
- QESBA elects new President and Vice-President
- Elected school boards are vital to English-speaking Quebecers
- QESBA names new Executive Director
- QESBA Annual Report to CSBA
- Class-action Lawsuit on Parental School Fees – Reminder from the FCSQ and QESBA
- New Assistant Deputy Minister for the English education minority sector
- QESBA pleased with Québec 2018/2019 budget for education
- Bill 166 needs an important amendment for our community
- QESBA’s Brief on Bill 166 – An Act to reform the school tax system
- Canada’s Outstanding Principals 2018
- QESBA will challenge any unconstitutional changes to school boards
- School Elections: the Search for Conditions Conductive to Our Democracy
- QESBA Statement on Bill 62
- QESBA is pleased with government plan to normalize school taxation rates
- QESBA warns that Bill 101 should not apply to homeschooled students
- World Teachers’ Day – Celebrate teachers today, and everyday
- QESBA extends a warm welcome back to students, staff and parents
- QESBA congratulates the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports on the launch of his policy on educational success
- QESBA congratulates the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports on the launch of his policy on educational success
- QESBA welcomes Bill 144 as a measure to provide access to education
- QESBA concerned about message given by the Minister of Education
- QESBA welcomes the 2017/2018 budget for Education
- QESBA welcomes investment annouced to improve school infrastructure
- QESBA celebrates International Women’s Day
- QESBA celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week
- QESBA saddened by Quebec City terrorist attack
- QESBA’s letter to Interim Commissioner of Official Languages, Mrs. Ghislaine Saikaley
- QESBA pleased with Ministry consultation on the new history course
- QESBA member boards focused on student success
- QESBA welcomes PISA results
- QESBA congratulates Minister on education success consultations
- QESBA will take time to analyze adopted Bill 105
- Adoption of Bill 105
- Opening remarks by QESBA President to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages
- QESBA’s Brief on Bill 62 presented to the Institutions Commission
- Petition for Tax Equality
- 2016 Prime Minister’s Awards Competition
- Remarks from Jennifer Maccarone, President of QESBA, to the Culture and Education Commission on Bill 105
- QESBA Brief on Bill 105 to the Culture and Education Commission
- Bill 105 Resolution
- QESBA is concerned by the contents of Bill 105
- Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports delivers a positive message to the English education community
- QESBA thinks the Leitao budget is a first step in reinvesting in education
- QESBA presentation to the Culture and Education Commission on March 9, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
- Premier Couillard must suspend Bill 86
- Dr. Victor Goldbloom
- Hooked on school days
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Nomination of a new Minister of Education, same quality English public education system
- Offer of Employment
- Quebec’s English-speaking community stands united against Bill 86
- Minister Blais’ obsession with structures threatens student success
- QESBA wants the Minister of Education to respect the EMSB by-election
- Director of Labour Relations’ Nomination
- QESBA elects new President
- QESBA is pleased with Premier Couillard’s declaration that school boards structures are not on his agenda in education
- Jennings report validates minority community position on the right to management and control of school boards
- Official launch of the Election System Study Panel
- CSBA supports universal suffrage for electing Commissioners
- QESBA is worried for the future of Québec’s English-speaking community
- QESBA’s first meeting with the Minister of Education
- Change for change sake – How does that help students suceed?
- A balanced budget built on the backs of our students
- QESBA welcomes new Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports
- School board buildings and student transportation are already properly managed
- QESBA seeks answers from Couillard Government
- QESBA is calling upon the Quebec government to allow the English community to vote on November 2
- Minister of Education joins QESBA and the FCSQ to officially launch School Board Elections campaign
- QESBA isn’t hitting panic button on premature, non-substantiated leak from the MELS
- Quebec English School Boards Association call for candidates for November 2 School Board elections
- The English community needs you!
- The Quebec English School Boards Association extends a warm welcome back to students and staff
- QESBA names new Executive Director
- Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports reconvenes the Table Québec/Commissions scolaires with a positivie and collaborative approach
- Leitao budget offers a light system cost increase of 1.2 per cent overall for youth and adult sector
- The newly elected Liberal majority governement claims it will be competent, act with integrity and will address real issues. Public School Education must be one of these.
- QESBA congratulates new government and has high hopes that education will be a priority in this mandate
- Back to school during 2nd wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- It’s too soon to reopen schools, especially in Montreal