WHEREAS the Government of Quebec deposited Bill 105 in June 2016, an Act to Amend the Education Act; and
WHEREAS the Quebec English School Boards Association has studied the Bill; and its implications in depth; and and has sought and received legal counsel regarding the constitutionality of Bill 105 as per Section 23 Minority Language Community Rights guarantees
WHEREAS there are sections of Bill 105 that the Quebec English School Boards Association endorses and supports; and
WHEREAS there are certain sections of Bill 105 that are interpreted by QESBA and our legal counsel to infringe on minority community rights to manage and control its educational institutions as guaranteed in Section 23 of the Canadian constitution; and
WHEREAS it is the desire of the Quebec English School Boards Association to work with the government of Quebec to enact legislation that is beneficial to, and respectful of student success and supportive of all staff, administration, elected officials, and the minority community language and culture;
THAT the Quebec English School Boards Association indicate to the government which sections of Bill 105 cause concern and offer the reasons and suggested changes; and
THAT the Administration of the Quebec English School Boards Association is mandated to engage Ministry officials in said discussion; and
THAT the Quebec English School Boards Association express the issues of concerns and the sections of support within the Bill at the parliamentary hearings into Bill 105 and in public statements to the media and at community meetings; and
THAT the President, or designate, of the Quebec English School Boards Association is mandated as the sole spokesperson for the Association on this matter.